Oliver Lewis
Founder of Joe’s Blooms

Oliver Lewis founded Joe's Blooms, offering digital tools for top-quality Biodiversity Gain Plans and Net Gain Metric Sheets. His background includes UK Government work on international climate agreements fighting against climate change. Oliver has extensive BNG expertise, helping hundreds of planning applications meet the new BNG rules.
Mitigation Hierarchy, planning and proving biodiversity net gain
In addition to the biodiversity metric, mitigation hierarchy is a crucial framework and should be used to outline a set of steps to reduce, mitigate, or offset the negative impacts of development on biodiversity. The hierarchy consists of four main steps:
Avoidance involves selecting development sites that have the least negative impact on biodiversity
Minimisation involves reducing the negative impact of development on biodiversity
Restoration involves restoring the affected habitats to their original state or improving their quality
Offsetting involves creating new habitats or enhancing existing ones to compensate for the loss of biodiversity resulting from development
Biodiversity Offsets for planning and development permissions
Biodiversity offset policies have become an increasingly popular strategy for mitigating the impact of development on natural ecosystems around the world. While it is always preferable to try and avoid and minimise damage to biodiversity, sometimes it’s simply unavoidable - and when that happens biodiversity offsets offer a mechanism for balancing the impact of development through ecological compensation (restoration, enhancement, or protection of ecosystems) in other locations. In this blog, we will explore what biodiversity offsetting is and how it may be implemented into Biodiversity Gain Plans to meet new UK national policy to preserve and protect biodiversity.
How do Biodiversity Credits Work?
Biodiversity Credits will be a key part in the new Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) regime. They will help to ensure that development projects comply with the new BNG rules so that when - and only when - it isn't possible to offset biodiversity losses from environmental projects, there is an ultimate fall back. Biodiversity Credits are the ‘in emergency break glass' option that will help ensure that every development can comply with biodiversity conservation outcomes under the new rules.
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