The BNG Exemption Checker

Get a preliminary assessment on whether you are eligible for a BNG exemption!

From February 2024, a new mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain objective will start to apply for certain developments.

This tool is designed to help alert you to when and how the rules will change for your application. This tool will help determine whether or not your application needs to comply, or will need to comply, with the statutory Biodiversity Net Gain regime set out in Schedule 7A to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Get a free preliminary assessment on whether you are eligible for a BNG exemption!

Get a preliminary assessment in a few clicks, and see if we can help you!

Please note this tool only assesses whether your site has to comply with the legal regime set out in Schedule 7A to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. This advice will be adapted as the legislation changes. We will also seek to add in certified best practices - so please keep checking in! The tool is free for all.

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