Joe's Blooms Advisory Board
Joe’s Blooms has established an independent Advisory Board tasked with reviewing our service on an ongoing basis to make sure that it complies with the highest standards. All members of the Board are independent of Joe’s Blooms and have been asked to only ever give their honest opinion with no restriction on their freedom of speech.

Dr Robin McArthur (Chair)

Robin McArthur is an experienced biological researcher, an expert in pollinator ecology and conservation, and a professional life sciences marketing project manager. Robin’s varied experience in scientific research, education and project management allow him to bridge the gap between expert academic advice and practical business implementation.
Robin’s role within Joe’s Blooms is to assemble and chair the Advisory Board – ensuring that Joe’s Blooms receives the best advice possible for the implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain.

Dr Anna Gilchrist

Anna Gilchrist is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management and Ecology at the University of Manchester. Anna’s research interests focus on nature recovery and rewilding in a range of ecosystems including cities and the UK uplands. One theme of her research focuses on how land use and strategic planning can be used to reduce the hostility of landscapes for wildlife. Her research journey started by focusing on UK butterflies, and their ecology and conservation remains one of her research (and hobby) interests.
Dr Gilchrist has agreed to provide technical advice on specific scientific aspects of the operation of Joe’s Blooms Ltd. This does not imply endorsement of the activities of, or services provided by, Joe’s Blooms Ltd.

Professor Dave Goulson

Dave Goulson is Professor of Biology at University of Sussex, specialising in bee ecology. He has published more than 300 scientific articles on the ecology and conservation of bumblebees and other insects.
Professor Goulson has agreed to provide technical advice on specific scientific aspects of the operation of Joe’s Blooms Ltd. This does not imply endorsement of the activities of, or services provided by, Joe’s Blooms Ltd.
Claire Ivey

Claire was a trainee Warden at Dorset Wildlife Trust and worked on ecological surveying and habitat management in a variety of roles.
Claire has agreed to provide technical advice on specific scientific aspects of the operation of Joe’s Blooms Ltd. This does not imply endorsement of the activities of, or services provided by, Joe’s Blooms Ltd.

Professor Jane Memmott

Jane Memmott is a Professor of Ecology at the University of Bristol. Her research focuses on community ecology and she is an expert on the interactions between insect pollinators and plants. A theme that runs through many of her projects is the use of ecological networks as a tool to answer a variety of environmental questions.
Professor Memmott has agreed to provide technical advice on specific scientific aspects of the operation of Joe’s Blooms Ltd. This does not imply endorsement of the activities of, or services provided by, Joe’s Blooms Ltd.
Gill Perkins

Gill has been an enthusiastic conservationist from a young age. After a career in business Gill eventually found her way back to conservation taking a sabbatical in Borneo working with a local community to restore rainforest and reporting to the United Nations on the project.As CEO for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Gill has found the perfect channel through which to promote her passion for bumblebees and their protection. She is an enthusiastic vegetable gardener and amateur botanist.
Gill has agreed to provide technical advice on specific scientific aspects of the operation of Joe’s Blooms Ltd. This does not imply endorsement of the activities of, or services provided by, Joe’s Blooms Ltd.