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Biodiversity Net Gain for London’s Councils

Joe's Blooms helps you fully comply with England's Biodiversity Net Gain rules with our best-in-class digital tools and specialist support.

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The Concept of Biodiversity Net Gain

The Concept of Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a crucial environmental principle aimed at ensuring that new developments leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than before. It is meant to enhance ecology, preserve biodiversity and implement conservation measures in development projects. It will:

Compensate for biodiversity losses by restoring or creating habitats elsewhere, often of greater ecological value.

Enhance natural ecosystems through careful planning and long-term management.

Promote sustainable development, balancing economic growth with environmental preservation.

BNG is not just about mitigation but about making tangible, positive contributions to biodiversity to protect and enhance habitats.

London Compliance with BNG

The London Plan

London has been home to over 14,000 different species of plants, animals, and fungi, many of which are permanent residents of the city. The UK Government’s Environment Bill mandates a 10% BNG requirement for all new developments, to protect these species. London’s strategic framework, as outlined in the London Plan, emphasises sustainable growth and environmental enhancement.

London Environment Strategy

In addition to the BNG strategy, there have been significant efforts by the Mayor of London and the 32 London Boroughs to restore biodiversity through initiatives like the London Environment Strategy. This strategy includes information about priority habitats and species and identifies actions the Mayor will take to support their conservation. Key components of the strategy include:

  • Creating new habitat areas to establish and expand natural habitats across the city.

  • Protecting wildlife sites with policies that will safeguard the most important wildlife areas from development pressures.

  • Setting a goal to make London the world's first National Park City, with more than half of its area green by 2050.

  • Incorporating wildlife-friendly features such as including design elements in new developments that support biodiversity, such as green roofs, bird boxes, and native planting.

These comprehensive efforts aim to not only mitigate the impacts of urban development but also to enhance the overall ecological health of London, making it a greener, more resilient city for both its human and non-human inhabitants.

London Compliance with BNG
What Are London’s Councils Doing for Biodiversity

What Are London’s Councils Doing for Biodiversity?

London’s councils are proactive in promoting biodiversity through a variety of initiatives and policies. These efforts are guided by the London Environment Strategy.

Priority Habitats and Species

The London Environment Strategy outlines targets for creating new habitat areas and includes policies to protect important wildlife sites. New developments are required to incorporate wildlife-friendly features, ensuring the ongoing support and enhancement of local biodiversity.

Local Nature Recovery Strategy

The Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is a new system of spatial biodiversity strategies mandated by the Environment Act 2021. This strategy aims to improve the quality, size, and connectivity of existing wildlife spaces, identifying opportunities for further expansion in and around London.

Rewilding London

Rewilding efforts in London focus on conserving and enhancing the city's core network of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). There are over 1,600 SINCs across London, covering nearly 20% of the city's surface area. These sites are crucial for maintaining biodiversity and include various habitats such as woodlands, rivers, grasslands, parks, cemeteries, and community gardens.

Examples of Council Initiatives

Hackney Council: Implemented the Dalston Eastern Curve Garden project, transforming a disused railway into a thriving green space.

Camden Council: Promotes the Camden Biodiversity Action Plan, focusing on habitat creation and species protection.

Greenwich Council: Works on the Thamesmead project to restore natural habitats along the Thames.

Fully comply with the new BNG law and get all the evidence and documents you need

From 2 April 2024, every planning application must either comply with BNG or provide detailed reasons and evidence about why it's exempt. Our tools and friendly team can help you comply in minutes.


Use our digital tools to produce best-in-class Biodiversity Gain Plans (BGPs) that fully comply with the Environment Act 2021 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Our tools also produce the supplementary documents needed for your BGP, including a completed Biodiversity Metric and Ordnance Survey-powered mapping.

BNG for all London Councils

Biodiversity Net Gain is a city-wide commitment, with all 32 London boroughs and the City of London playing a role. Here’s a list of London’s councils committed to enhancing biodiversity through BNG:

Barking and Dagenham











Hammersmith and Fulham







Kensington and Chelsea

Kingston upon Thames






Richmond upon Thames



Tower Hamlets


Waltham Forest


City of London

Do you live in London?

Here’s what you need to do to comply with BNG


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